I was looking for something on one of my backup drives and found a “2015 Favorites” folder. They seem to have held up to the test of time – at least in my little opinion. I do think “favorites” is different than “best”. Several I would include in my portfolio if I ever really find the time to do that, others I just love for the reminder of the place or feeling.
There are 20 in all, this is the second:

Elk Cow at Grand Canyon National Park
Why this is a favorite
I was walking along the trail at sunset and had my eyes on the trail because the sun was blinding. I heard a noise and looked up to see this beautiful elk cow take a break from munching to look up at me. The light was so pretty.
She is much further away than it looks, this was shot with a telephoto lens on a crop sensor body – and the photo is cropped in a bit too. I took this quick photo and slowly returned further up the trail.
Please be respectful and careful around wildlife.
Earlier that trip we saw a guy a couple feet from a large elk trying to take a photo with his iPad. Don’t be that guy.