Summer is coming. Possibly. This has been an interesting winter – It didn’t start until March, then came all at once. Now that it’s April, Mother Nature can’t make up her mind. The spring wildflower bloom is all out of whack, but the vernal pools are starting to show their rings of color.
This is from a couple years ago – Brodiaea elegans. Commonly called Harvest Brodiaea or Elegant Brodiaea. They are usually the last flowers to bloom in the lower foothills, usually long after the green has faded to gold. But they make beautiful punches of magenta in the rangeland grasses. Many people I know hate it when the grasses cure off for the summer. Yes, everything turns a shade of brown, but in the right light it’s a beautiful golden suede color. I loooathe tan and beige, so you know it’s extra purdy for me to like it.