I don’t do much street photography.
At least not city street photography – my kind of street usually involves cows or horses along the side of the road. Or both like the photo at right. To be honest, I’m a bit allergic to cities! But I do get out to them once in a while.

I’m even less apt to take photos of people. I get that technically they are in a public place, etc, but I’m personally not fond of photographing strangers – at least not where they are recognizable. The image at top is borderline for me. But the person saw me photographing them, and smiled afterwards when I showed them the shot on the back of my camera – so by the time I left they were no longer a stranger.
Before all the street photographers rise up against me, I don’t dislike the genre – I love the more creative forms of it in fact. It’s just not something I enjoy doing myself. So why did I post this? Sometimes it’s good to stretch our comfort zone. Try something we haven’t done before. Listen to a perspective that differs from our own. Put ourselves in someone else’s shoes for a while.
Go ahead – try it! I double dog dare ya!